Below are courses for Friday 10/29/2021 for Kruisin Kanines
Click on FileName to view or choose the download button
Below are courses for Friday 10/29/2021 for Kruisin Kanines
Click on FileName to view or choose the download button
Didn’t judge much in 2020
Here are gifs of Masters Series and CH UKI courses in 2020. CRCD is located under courses link in 2020 drawer. CRCD of Novice level also in the 2020 drawer.
PLEASE NOTE: WordPress may of distorted the GIFS in this post. To see undistorted GIFS or to see the CRCD, click in courses above and then the 2020 Drawer.
CRCD from 2020 AKC assignments are in the courses link in the 2020 drawer.
Welcome. Carol Was here and left things behind Enjoy